Inspiration and emotions - Christian Helm's presentation at SpeakerSLAM

On 23 July 2024, our Managing Director, Christian Helm, had the honor of appearing at the 18th international SpeakerSLAM in Matershausen. In his speech, he addressed the topic of "Appreciation and emotions of victories in sport and professional life". Helm emphasized the importance of consciously experiencing and preserving emotional moments, a principle that is deeply rooted in Helm Trophy's philosophy.

Helm, who himself can look back on a successful career as a professional cyclist, conveyed to the audience how crucial it is not only to celebrate success, but also to appreciate the emotions associated with it. These experiences help to create and cherish valuable memories in both private and professional life. Helm Trophy has made it our mission to immortalize these very moments through our high-quality awards.

SpeakerSLAM is a prestigious platform that allows speakers to present their messages in a concise and impactful way. Christian Helm used this opportunity to inspire the audience with his authentic and emotional speech. His message emphasized the importance of not only celebrating the big wins, but also acknowledging the small moments of triumph.

We at Helm Trophy are proud to have Christian Helm as our Managing Director and are delighted that he has represented our values and vision in such an impressive way.

For more information about our CEO, please visit his personal website:

#SpeakerSLAM #ChristianHelm #HelmTrophy #emotions #appreciation #inspiration

Image Source: @JustinBockey

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