Christian Helm: Capturing and preserving emotions - An exclusive interview

Hello sports fans,

We are delighted to be able to present you with a special highlight today. Recently, our Managing Director Christian Helm had the honor of appearing at the 18th International Speaker Slam in Matershausen. His inspiring speech on "Appreciation and emotions of victories in sport and professional life" left a lasting impression on many listeners. But that was not all! An exclusive video interview with Christian was also recorded as part of this event, which we don't want to withhold from you.

Insight into the passion behind Helm Trophy

In the interview, Christian Helm not only talks about his personal history and experiences as a professional cyclist, but also about the philosophy and core values that have made Helm Trophy what it is today. Christian shares a defining anecdote from his youth that has significantly influenced his commitment to reliable deliveries and the high quality of our Awards. This story is a powerful illustration of why it's so important to us at Helm Trophy that our customers always have the best possible experience - whether it's at major sporting events or important business events.

The video interview: Capturing and preserving emotions

We invite you to watch the full interview. In it, you'll find out why Christian Helm and his team go the extra mile every day to ensure that every winner holds their well-deserved Awards in their hands. Particularly exciting is Christian's approach of not only capturing the emotion of winning, but preserving it for eternity.

Why this is important

The importance of consciously experiencing and capturing emotional moments runs like a thread through Christian's stories. This philosophy is deeply rooted in our company DNA and is reflected in every one of our products. We want the Awards and prizes you purchase from us to be more than just objects - they should keep memories alive and preserve emotions.


This interview not only offers an exciting insight into the world of Helm Trophy, but also shows what drives us and why we work every day to capture the emotions of victories forever. We hope that the video inspires you as much as it does us and that you can take something valuable away from it.

We look forward to hearing your opinions and sharing them in the comments!

Your Helm Trophy Team

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